Kamis, 12 November 2015


(At the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Krakatau Steel Cilegon)




NIP. 132 004 185


(At The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Krakatau Steel Cilegon)

          The objective of the research is to find the effectiveness of advertisement as an alternative media in improving persuasive writing at the eleventh grade students’ of SMAN 2 KS cilegon.
            The writer used quasi experimental design for conducting the research namely took a class as an experimental class. The population of this research is the eleventh grade students’ of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon consist of 272 students’. Because of the population is so large and the individual are groups so the writer used cluster random sampling. The sample of this research is students’ of eleventh science 4 consists of 34 students.
            The instrument of this research is written test namely essay written test. There are two kinds of test pre and posttest for collecting the data. The most importing of the test should have good validity and reliability. That is the writer used content validity for the instrument of the test based on school based curriculum (KTSP) 2006. The reliability of the test the writer used stability approach it is administering the test to a group, and then re-administering the test to the same group. The result of the reliability calculating used Pearson product moment. The reliability of pre test I rxy =0.596, pre test II rxy =0.550, pre test III rxy = 0.682 and post test I rxy =0.750, post test II rxy =0.645, post test III rxy =0.756, and r table for 34 students is 0.339, it means rxy >r table. Thus the test was reliable.
            Furthermore, there are two hypotheses in this research namely alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho); the writer provided the alternative hypothesis (Ha) as hypothesis of this research. In testing the hypothesis the writer used t-test to know whether advertisement is effective in improving students’ persuasive writing. Based on the calculation t-test I=9.21, t-test II=8.01, and t-test III=7.59 and the average of t-test =8.27, t-table at significant t0, 975= 2.04. Thus t value 8.27>t0 2.04 based on the result above the writer assumed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) could be accepted.


1.1  Background of the Study

English is learned as a foreign language in Indonesia. It is a compulsory subject to be learned by students in elementary, junior, and senior high school. Students should be able to communicate by using English. In order to be able to perform good English communication, students need to master both receptive skills includes listening and reading, and productive skills includes speaking and writing.
Writing is one of productive skill should be learned by students. It makes students active and should be practiced in the classroom. As the result of writing product students are able to arrange sentence, make paragraph, and create composition. Oshima and Hogue, (1997:2) says “writing is a progressive activity. This means that when you first write something down you have already been thinking about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.”  It means in writing students not only thinking about how to express an idea or feeling but also organizing them into conventional graphics system with words, sentence, function, and good structure by good communication of  writing for successful communication between the writer and the reader in written form.
Persuasion is the goal of both oral and written argument. The objective of oral argument is to succeed in persuading the opponent that an idea or opinion is valid. Reid, (2000: 172). It means persuasive writing is form of writing which the writer attempts to convince the people agree with the writer. Persuasive often used in everyday of life. Some examples of persuasive writing can be found in letters, editorials, advice columns, pamphlets, opinion writing, and advertisement.
Advertisement is one type of persuasive writing, that purpose to sell a product or service. It is familiar for us, when we watch television, listen to the radio, read magazine or newspapers; we are sometimes persuaded by advertisement. There are copy and picture in advertisement to persuade people.
 Furthermore, copy is the art of word that makes up the headline and message of the advertisement. Agustrijanto, (2001:27). It is someone who writes the words that are spoken used to the sounds effect of a radio commercial or shown in the televisions and also written used in magazine or newspaper that make up a print of advertisement for a business or non-profit objective. In addition, the art of written words to promote a person, product, business, opinion, idea, for the purpose of the reader convince take some form of action what the writer want to do. Beside that, advertisement has pictures to attract the audience to persuade someone.
However, teachers often used pictures as an alternative media in teaching and learning writing, because students can understand the picture without difficulty.  According to Heaton (1990:102), pictures describe a scene, object, or person, to tell story and give instruction or direction and describe a process.
Based on the statement above, the writer is interested in studying and using advertisement as an alternative media in teaching writing at the eleventh grade of students in senior high school. There are some reasons why the writer is interested in using advertisement as an alternative media in improving students’ persuasive writing.
First, advertisement is a powerful force in the world today, such as; business used advertising to gain new customer and increase sales, the government used advertisement to recruit the volunteers, and the politicians also used advertisement to try to win votes. Second, advertisement is interesting to attract the students’ attention, because there are colorful picture and copywriting. Third, advertisements are familiar persuasive writing product.
Moreover, in this research the writer used visual advertisement it is advertisement only can be seen for example in magazine and newspaper, and this research focus on copywriting advertisement. The writer asked the students to write copywriting advertisements, focus on written words copywriting. Students wrote the copy use they own words based on the following advertisement are given.
In conclusion, the writer conducted this research is trying to apply advertisement as an alternative media in teaching and learning writing especially persuasive.
1.2  Identification of the Problems
There are some problems that can be identified as follows;
a.       Can the use of advertisements be effective in improving students’ persuasive writing?
b.      How are the uses of advertisements as an alternative media in students’ persuasive writing?
c.       Does the use of advertisements as an alternative media makes students interesting in writing persuasive?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem
The writer would like to limit the problems from identification of the problem on improving students’ persuasive writing using advertisement at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Cilegon.

1.4 Formulation of the Problem
Based on limitation of the problem above, the writer formulated the problems is; can the use of advertisements in practicing students’ persuasive writing be effective in the classroom?

2.1 Concept of Writing
Writing is complex activity, when its change an ideas or massage in our mind to be understood in written form. Oshima & Hogue (1997:2) state that writing is a progressive activity. This means that when you first write something down you have already been thinking about what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.
 Meanwhile, Nunan (2003:88) defines writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express an idea or feeling and organizing them into statement that will be clear to a reader with different level of complexity, depending on its purpose.  It means in writing the writer not only thinking about how to express an idea or feeling but also organizing them into graphics system with words, sentence, functions and good structure for successful communication between the writer and the reader.
Based on the experts’ statement, the writer concludes that writing is a process of thinking how to express and idea or message to be understood in the written form. That is the students’ need training and practice, the art of putting words together in well formed, and the teacher need good media in teaching writing to make students interesting in learning writing.
The most basic form of writing is sentence. Sentence is a group of words that you use to communicate your ideas in writing or in a speech. Oshima and Hogue, (1976: 125).
On the other hand, a sentence is a complete independent unit of thought and consists of two main parts like a subject (word or words that names the person thing or place) and predicate (a statement above sentence).
According to Magnan and Brown (2007:11 in Usaman, paper) there are two basic purposes for writing in second or foreign language; as a support skill and as a communicative skill. The task of the writing as a support skill sometimes also called as skill getting emphasized on the practice of grammatical forms and structure, vocabulary and spelling. But writing as communicative skill is the one that invites students to employ the language knowledge/use in meaningful context. In order to meaningful, there must be a reason and need for writing for example to share information, to share a story or to seek information.
Based on the explanation above, the purpose of teaching writing in this research as communicative skill it means the teacher invites the students to employ the language knowledge use in meaningful context.
 Furthermore, there are many types of writing such as; narrative, descriptive, exposition, argumentative, and persuasive. In this research the writer focuses on persuasive writing.

2.2 Concept of Persuasive Writing
2.2.1. Persuasive
         Persuasion is the goal of both oral and written argument. The objective of oral argument is to succeed in persuading the opponent that an idea or opinion is valid. Reid, (2000: 172) it is someone gives an opinion both oral and written tries to persuade someone.
Meanwhile, Akhadiah, (2001:8.43) states that “persuasive is the form of writing in attempt to influence the reader though and opinion so that the reader to do action like as the writer hopes. This means persuasive is form of writing which the writer attempt to convince the reader to take a specific action.
 In addition, Persuasive writing is a type of writing where your main goal is to persuade or convince someone to do something that you want to do.  Peter, (2008: in http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/english D.10htm) means types of writing for the purpose to influence the reader to do something what the writer want.
Based on the experts’ statements persuasive writing is form of writing which the writer attempts to influence the people agrees with the writer and wants to do something what the writer wants.

2.2.2. Techniques in Persuasion
How to make someone do what you want;
·         Tell your reader what he would like to hear.
·         Use flattery makes the reader feel sorry for you.
·         Distort the facts / lay abuse your opponents. (Keep it subtle as you don't want to appear malicious)
·         Use emotive vocabulary rather than straightforward words.
·         Quote statistics and use them to mean what you want them to mean.
·         Use the words "surely", "obviously" and "of course".
·         Make an emotional appeal to your reader.

2.2.3. Language Features Persuasive
·         Use mainly the present tense.
·   Use logical and cause and effect.
·         Use emotive language.
·         Use rhetorical question.
·         Dare the reader to disagree.
·         Try to make opinion sounds like facts.
·         Use powerful verbs and strong adjectives.
Some examples of persuasive writing can be found in letters, editorials, advice columns, pamphlets, opinion writing, and advertisement.
In this research, the writer used advertisement as an alternative media in teaching persuasive writing. The writer focuses on persuasive advertisement based on syllabus in senior high school.
2.3 Concept of Advertisement
Advertisement is a message carried in one of the various forms of “media” such as newspapers and magazines, radio and television, and the posters and neon sign we see in the street. Williams and Evans, (2000:114). This means providing information to promote or sell product through varied types of mass communication.
Meanwhile, Richard and Long, (1991: 130) defines advertising is the art of persuasion to sell a product, as an attractive and as desirable as possible.”  Means a message design to promote or sell a product used the art of word to attract the people to buy a product.
From the definition above, advertisement is message used to persuade someone to buy a product or service offered the advertisers in various form of media. There are copy and picture in advertisement to persuade people.
Furthermore, copywriting is the art of word that makes up the headline and message of the advertisement. Agustrijanto, (2001:27) means copywriting is putting a creative message in advertisement. It is someone who writes the words that are spoken used to the sounds effect of a radio commercial or shown in the televisions and also written used in magazine or newspaper that make up a print of advertisement for a business or non-profit objective.
Cook, (2001: 2) stated that advertising is a topic which both causes and reveals existing social divisions. For this reason in educational setting advertising can be a stimulus-vying with made for literature in a liberal education- for discussion of urgent issues.
Based on the definition above, the writer agrees with the expert statement that advertisement is a topic for discussion. Because advertisements are everywhere, weather we are alone, with our friends or family or in a crowd, advertising is always with us. In this research the writer used visual advertisement as an alternative media in teaching writing persuasive. The writer focuses on business commercial advertisement because it is familiar with all of us. In addition visual advertisement only can be seen such as in magazine or newspaper for the purpose to sell a product.
Many studies of advertising do separate out components of advertisement on one or a few, and ignore the others. Thus there are studies of language advertising which have little or nothing to say about its picture and music or the people who create it. Thus the write focuses on copywriting advertisement it is studies of the language of advertisement which have little describe the pictures of advertisement.
                                      The Characteristics of Persuasive Writing Advertisement

                                      Key Features of Advertisement
Key features of advertisement to attract most people likely to buy the product. There are copy and pictures of advertisement.

2.3.3. The Copy Elements
·         The copy elements
o   Headline (be specific and say what you have to say). There are some examples of writing headline in advertisement namely:
a.       Statement. ‘Milk in rich calcium for bones and body.’
b.      Question. ‘Want real Coca – Cola and zero sugar?
c.       Imperative. ‘Call in and buy one now.’
d.      Challenges. ‘Why put up with higher price?
e.       Evidence: ‘nelphone paling murah “of course XL bebas”, say, Cinta Laura.’
f.       News. ‘The new Honda Supra Fit.’ 
g.      Emotional: ‘No one knows she’s crying.’
h.      Contrast. ‘The fat to make you thin’
i.        Offer. ‘ Now only 600 Rupiah’s
j.            Humorous.’ Mc Donald’s is open every night.’
k.      Picture with notes.’ Real Coca-Cola and Zero Sugar.’ (there is a picture below the words)
l.        Slogan.’ Taste to believe it’
m.    Alliteration is technique of writing used repetition in the same sounds words. ‘have a break have kit kat’
n.      Unique, ‘z-z-z-Bzzzzzz-z-z-z-
o.      Warning. ‘Don’t spend it, Bank it’
p.      Intriguing.’ How do you eat yours?
o      Sub headlines / Display line
Make the advertisement more interest, easy to read, clear.
e.g. Real Coca – Cola and Zero Sugar
o         Body copy headings (use them frequently, keep them short)
o         Slogan or strap line is pay of line.
Adapted from Jefkins, (1997:233)
2.3.4. Copy Devices
o   Clichés/buzz words are simple words used in advertisement but   effective to persuade the reader.
e.g. the words usually use free, now, here, at last, today
o   Action words is verb usually use as urgent words. Some examples of urgent word combine with clichés word.
e.g. call in and buy now.
o   Appealing adjective use to arouse feeling the reader.
e.g. only the silver queen chocolate taste like chocolate never taste before.
Some adjective words can be used in copywriting
    - Splendid      (sempurna)         - delightful             (menyenangkan)
    - Wonderful              (indahnya)          - amazing    (mengagumkan)
    - Gorgeous    (cantiknya)         - beautiful   (jelitanya)
o    Alliteration is technique of writing used repetition in the same sounds words. E.g. imagine 2 sided phone is mine Samsung is mine.
o    Abbreviation is used to involve the reader. Like in conversation
e.g. ‘pick n choose.’
Some example of abbreviations often use such as; don’t, won’t,   wouldn’t, what’s, that’s, you’d.
o        Repetition
Adapted from Jefkins, (1997:228)
2.3.5. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertisement as an Alternative Media in Teaching Persuasive Writing
                  A creative teacher is always thinking how to teach fun in the classroom. So that the students not boring in the classroom. That is a creative teacher usually found the alternative media to support teaching learning process. In this research the writer uses visual advertisement as an alternative media in teaching persuasive writing. Because there are advantages and disadvantages used advertisement in teaching persuasive writing.
a.       The advantages of advertisement.
               According to cook (2001:2-3) the advantages of advertisement are:
1.      Advertisement is a topic which both causes and reveals existing social divisions. For this reason in educational setting advertising can be a stimulus-vying with made for literature in a liberal education- for discussion of urgent issues.
2.      Advertisements use fictions, word play, compressed story telling, photography, and cartoons, which are often memorable, enjoyable, and amusing.
3.      The words and details of advertisement often come to people’s minds more readily than those the novel and poems and plays, and they are often recalled with more laughter and enthusiasm.
4.      Advertisements present the message so that it provides for strongly perceived experience. St. john, (1994:41)

5.      Advertisements are a special type of persuasive writing. Its purpose to sell a product or service. Its use carefully chosen and positive language. That is advertisements are appropriate media in teaching persuasive writing.
          Matthew, (2008: in http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/english/englishD10.htm)
b.      Disadvantages of advertisement.
1.      The copy is often set in sanserif, which is hard to read; we are accustomed to serifs in books, magazines, and newspaper. Ogilvy (1985: 91)
2.      Advertisements accused to gazed grammar rules, so that people to do the same thing. For example; Winston taste good, like a cigarette should.”(In correct) “as a cigarette should” (correct). Lee and Johnson (1999:32)
2.3.6. Analysis Advertisement
In this research the writer, analyses of advertisement focus on copywriting. First, Pre and posttest
Want real Coca-Cola taste and zero sugar?
Real Coca-cola taste and zero sugar
                 TASTE TO BELIEVE IT!

How the writer uses persuasion and engages the reader in a personal and interactive way through:
·         Want real Coca – Cola and zero sugar?  (Question to make you think) this is headline of advertisement.
·          Real Coca – Cola taste and zero sugar. Subtitle/display line. This is Fact
·         Taste to believe it! This is slogan, and the capitalizations to attract the reader.
·         The use of question and answer forms to involve the reader.
·         The structural repetition.
- Giving the text a poetic quality
- To make beautiful like a poem
- Emphasizes something important
·         Boldface and exclamation marks type to add emphasizes to word or sentences.
Second, advertisement
                                                 INDOMIE NOODLE
Indomie instant noodle is the leader of Indonesian instant noodles. People around the world like this noodle because of its delicious taste and many varieties
For AMERICAN appetite, we recommended Special Chicken Flavor.
                Available flavors include; Indomie Fried, Special Chicken, Chicken curry, Onion Chicken, Fried Hot, Shrimp sotomie, Satay Fried, Rendang 

How the writer uses persuasion and engages the reader in a personal and interactive way through:

·         INDOMIE NOODLE. Its’ headline (statement)
·         Indomie instant noodle is the leader of Indonesian instant noodles.
·         People around the world like this noodle because of its delicious taste and many varieties. Subtitle (this is opinion)
·         For American appetite, we recommended special chicken flavors. This target audience of the product.
·         Available flavors include; Indomie Fried, Special Chicken, Chicken curry, Onion Chicken, Fried Hot, Shrimp sotomie, Satay Fried, Rendang. This is fact
·         Capitalizations and the use of a centered layout cutting across the normal syntactic structure to attract the reader.
·         The use of present tense to convey a sense of universal truth.
·         The structural repetition:
- Giving the text a poetic quality
- To make beautiful like a poem
- Emphasizes something important
Third, Pre and posttest
How the writer uses persuasion and engages the reader in a personal and interactive way through:
·         The use of personal pronoun “mine” proper in two contexts, both the writer and the product “SAMSUNG.”
·         The use of present tense to convey a sense of universal truth.
·         The structural repetition:
- Giving the text a poetic quality
- To make beautiful like a poem
- Emphasizes something important
·         The use capitalization of a centered layout cutting across the normal syntactic structure to attract the reader.

2.4. Teaching  Persuasive Writing Advertisement in the Classroom
      Persuasive writing is an important skill that cannot be taught too early. Because the writer attempts to persuade the reader without know each other. This skill encourages the students to use skills and knowledge in meaningful context. In this research, the writer is teaching persuasive writing used three-phase- technique method of learning. Its’ based on national education standard institution (BSNP) 2006 lesson plan for senior high school. In three-phase-technique method there are three strategies in teaching English skill namely; pre activity, main activity, and post activity. The description in teaching persuasive writing advertisement in this research as follow:
1. Pre activity
   In these steps, the class can brainstorm on topics for inspiration and ideas. In this step the writer shows some advertisements to the students, then chooses one of advertisement will be discussed (in this research the writer show food and drinks visual advertisement).
2. Main activity
·         Next, the teacher gives the topics for discussed, and then the teacher divided students into groups of three.
·         The teacher explains that we are going to write persuasive writing advertisement.
·         Tell the students that advertisement is one of product persuasive writing and we focus on commercial advertisement product and explains why this advertisement is successful and persuasive (focus on the text and how image support that).
·         Identified the method used in advertisement such as; technique in persuasion, copywriting (the copy elements, copy devices, key features of advertisement)
·         Then with a partner the teacher asks the students’ creative strategies in advertisements are given such as;
o                    The name of product
o                    The target audience
o                    Advertising strategy
The answers write on the white board
·                                                                                        The teacher encourages the students to analysis advertisements are given.
·    Next, the teacher asks the students to write advertisements based on the following advertisement used they own word. The students only focus on copywriting advertisement. It is focus on language used in advertisement.
3. Post activity
   There are some alternative in post activity such as:
1.      Review the material if it’s needed.
2.      Giving post test to evaluate how effective and successful the material you are given.
3.      Give students’ assignment to browse other topics at home.


3.1 Research Design

The writer conducted this research by using quantitative method. The writer is intended to find out whether advertisement effective to improve students’ persuasive writing that is the writer uses quasi experimental designs. Because by using quasi experimental designs we control as many variables as we can and also limits the kind of interpretation we make about the cause and effect relationship ant hedge the power of our generalization statements. Hatch and Farhady (1982:19)
 The writer took a class as an experiment class and used time series designs to do this. In this research, the subject administered 3 times pre and post tests. By using times series designs represented as follow;
 T1 T2 T3 X T4 T5 T6
TI T2 T3            :  Pre test
X                     :  Treatment
T3 T4 T5            : Post test
            (Taken from Hatch and Farhady, 1982:25)
Furthermore, to know whether the treatment has effect or not the students’ persuasive writing ability, the writer uses the following curves;


1                                                                                  Line 1
2                                                                                  Line 3
3                                                                                  Line 2
            T1         T2         T3                           T4         T5         T6

T1         : First pre test                         
            T2         : Second pre test
            T3         : Third pre test
            X         : Treatment
            T4         : First post test
            T5         : Second post test
            T6         : Third post test          
Line 1 means there is no effect from treatment
Line 2 means there is negative effect from treatment
Line 3 means there is positive effect from treatment
(Taken from Hatch and Farhady, 1982:2)
3.2 Population and Sample
Ary, et. al.  (1972: 129) states “A population is defining as all members of any well define class of people, events, or objects. Meanwhile, a sample is a portion of a population.”
Based on the definition above, the population of this research is all students at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Cilegon, consist of 272 students divided in eight classes namely XI 1-6 is science class and XI 7-8 is social class.  Meanwhile, the sample is students at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Cilegon consist of 34 students. In this research the writer chose XI science 4 as the sample of the research.
Because of the population is so large and the individuals of the population are groups so the writer used cluster random sampling.” cluster random sampling is the unit chosen is not individual but group of individuals who are naturally together Ary, et. al.  (1972:134).
Moreover, Arikunto (2002:12) states that if more than 100 subject sample can be taken 10-15% from population it depends on the researcher capability in time and financial. Thus the writer took a class consist of 34 students as a sample.
3.3 Procedure of the Research
The procedure of the research will be presenting as follow:
1.      Determine the population and sample of the research.
2.      Decide the topic of the research (in this research persuasive writing advertisement).
3.      Decide research design (the writer conducted this research by using quantitative method with quasi experimental as a design used time series design to do this).
4.      Explains the topics are given.
5.      Giving pretests before treatment (the subject administered 3 times pre test).
6.       Giving the treatment how to write advertisement.
7.      Giving posttest after treatment (the subject administered 3 times post test).
3.4 Instrument of the Research
The writer used written test for the instrument of the research (see the appendices for instrument of the research). The tests are given in written essay test. Brown, (2001:384) states “Test is a method of measuring a persons’ ability or knowledge in a given domain.” There are two kinds of written test in this research namely; pre test and post test. Pre test have done before treatment. Meanwhile, post test have done after treatment. The writer explained how to write copy advertisement such as; copy devices, the elements of copy writing.  Then asked the students to write copywriting advertisement in about 10 - 50 words used in own words based on the following advertisement are given, next the writer analysis the written test as follow;
Advert Evaluation
Report Grading Guide

  1. Format (15%) The manner in which the work follows the standard for preparing copy. (headline, body copy, slogan)
2.      Grammar (15%) No spelling errors.
3.      Clarity and Style (35%) Topic addressed clearly, coherently, and logically.
  1. Thought (35%) Ideas well supported by appropriate reasoning and examples.

Name of product
Who do you think the intended buyer is?

What kind of advert is it?

TV                           Radio                  Magazine               Poster
How do they try to persuade you to buy it?

With pictures     

With words       

With music

With questions

With jokes

With catchphrases

With jingles

Other: ____________________
Do you think it is a good advert?

       Yes                No

Would you buy the product?                                          Yes                  No


Do you think the advert is honest?                                  Yes                  No


What words do they use to sell the product?


Grading Scale: 100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C 69=60=D; 59-0=F
4.1 Validity and Reliability of the Test

4.1.1. Validity of the Test

The most important of the test should have good validity and reliability. “Validity can be defined as the degree to which a test measured what it is supposed to measure”. Manson and Bramble, (1975:255). It means a test is said to be valid if it measured what to be measured. The writer used content validity for the instrument of the research. It means the characteristic of the test reflect the content of the curriculum. Thus the writer used content validity for the instrument of the test, based on school based curriculum (KTSP) 2006.
4.1.2. Reliability of Instrument
In order to know the reliability of the test, the writer used inter-rater reliability, in which there are two evaluators. The writer asked another English teacher for measuring the score. In this case, the writer was the first evaluator as rater I (Judge I) and the English teacher as rater 2 (judge 2). The score had been calculated by using Pearson Product Formula. The results of each test were following:
Reliability Pre-test I    = 0,596
Reliability Pre-test II  = 0,550
Reliability Pre-test III =0,628

Reliability Post-test I  =0,750
Reliability Post-test II =0,645
Reliability Post-test III=0,756
Based on the result above, the writer has obtained that r accounted are higher than r table. The r table for 34 students is 0,339. Thus, the writer assumed that the instruments were reliable and could be used for research instruments.

4.2 Data Description and Analysis
4.2.1 The result of the test
The next step the writer was analyzing the data to know the effectiveness of treatment; the writer is doing several steps in analyzing the result of the test. First, the writer analyzed the average both pre-tests and post-tests. Second, the writer was calculating the deviation of the test.
a.       The average of each pre and post tests (see the appendices)
The average of first pre-test was 49.14, the average of second pre-test was 59.33, and the average of third pre-test was 66.10, and the average of first post-test was 62.73, the average of second post-test was 64.69, and the average of third post-test was 71.54.Based on the result above, the writer could state the advertisement was able to improve students’ persuasive writing. It could be proved that there is any progress of students’ persuasive writing score before and after treatment, especially for the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon after they were given treatment. It means the treatment gave positive effect to improve students’ persuasive writing.
The improvement can be drawn in the diagram below
4.2.2        Hypothesis Testing
The writer computed the deviation of pre-test and post –test through t-test. The results of t-test as follow (see the appendices);
T-test I                        = 9.21
T-test II           = 8.01
T-test III         = 7.59
Based on the result of t-test, the average of t-test was 8.27 Therefore, the writer assumed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) could be accepted because the result of the data were higher than t-table in which for t 0,975 = 2.04 t value= 8.27> t table=2.04 it means advertisement can be effective as an alternative media in teaching persuasive writing, especially the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon.
Based on the result of the research above, in my own experienced when conducted the research at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 KS advertisement have some advantages (in this research the writer used visual advertisement) such as advertisement can be used as a stimulus for discussion of urgent issues happen today, it is make students enthusiasm to study writing, and also visual advertisement attract the students’ attention because there are pictures, the last copywriting advertisement make students’ creative and want to learn more about vocabulary. However, visual advertisements have some disadvantages. First, for view of students’ has low capability is difficult to understand the meaning of copywriting advertisement to solve the problem the writer divided students in pair works. Second, if don’t have computer it needs much money copied visual advertisement colorful.
5.1 Conclusion
            After conducted the research concerned on improving students’ persuasive writing using advertisement at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 KS cilegon, the writer collecting, calculating, and interpreting the data, the writer has concludes that the advertisement is effective in improving students’ persuasive writing, it is shows by the average score of pre and posttests. It was proved that there was any significant improvement of students’ in writing persuasive by seeing the average score pre and posttests. The entire test got the improvement, especially after they got treatment and gave the positive effect.
            The reliability was computed, the rxy for the first pre-test was 0.596, the second pre-test was 0.550 and the third pre-test was 0.682 the first post-test was 0.750, the second post-test was 0.645, and the third post-test was 0.759, All the reliability scores were reliable because it was higher than r table for 34 students is 0.339.
            The writer also computed the t-test by comparing the pre-test and post-test score. The first t-test was 9.21, the second t-test was 8.01, and the third t-test was 7.59 The entire of t-test score are higher than t table, in which t table for t 0,975 is 2.04. In conclusion, the writer can assumed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) can be accepted in this research.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the improvement of students’ persuasive writing by using visual advertisement as an alternative media at the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 KS Cilegon, the writer would like to give some suggestions;
  1. The English teacher can give advertisement as an alternative media in teaching writing to make students interesting and creative to write English. It would be better if the teacher asked the students to work in a pairs to sharing information and difficult word.
  2. The students can paste the advertisement from the internet, with a group analyze the advertisement. The teacher walks around visit groups to facilitate stagnating discussion.
  3. The English teacher can give the writing contest to give students challenge and creative.
  4. The headmaster of SMAN 2 KS should be provided English newspaper such as Jakarta post or Magazine such as CnS as the international school SMAN 2 KS don’t have English Newspaper/magazine to increase students achievement.
  5. For the other researcher who is interested to use advertisement as an alternative media for teaching writing if at school there is no facilitate internet or English newspaper/magazine is better asked the students to browse advertisement before.

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